Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jared's Blog Post 4

For this blog post I am going to be talking about everything we have read so far, chapters 1-25. Over the course of the book, we have seen Matt change a lot. In the beginning he was a small, unknowing young child thrown into the world. By the end of the 25 chapters he has matured a lot, and knows more than most his age. I think that all of his experiences have changed his personality a lot. Everything from, being trapped in the room in the beginning to El Patron trying to steal his organs has changed Matt from a boy into a man. So far, i have enjoyed reading this book, I think that when Celia saves Matt from El Patron it was very heartfelt because even though it might cost her life, she did it for Matt. Tam Lin also did the same for Matt, he helped him to get into Aztlan and gave him the provisions to survive. Tam Lin and Celia both cared very much for Matt’s welfare and wanted him to survive and get to Maria and her mother. I have mixed feelings about El Patron, I don’t think it is right to be making clones or using those clones to keep himself alive. I also think it was kind of him to give Matt the childhood he never would have had, even though eventually he would have to take his organs for his own gain. El Patron seemed like a nice person at the start because he seemed to truly care for Matt, and want him to someday take his place, however as we got further and learned about Eejits and Clones we realize El Patron is a vicious ruler who kills for his company and had no plans to have anybody take over his ruling. I think there has been some very amazing character development with almost every character in this book.


  1. Nice post Jared! You really looked into the chapters well. I must agree with you that they characters did seem to gain a lot of depth as the book went on. You also bring up how Celia could have died from what she did by trying to save Matt. This really does show Celia's interest in helping to 'make a difference' in Opium. It will be interesting to see the characters develop further in the book as it continues. Very good post!

  2. I love the way that you used the word "heartfelt" when describing Celia's affection for Matt. It makes me think of her as his mother figure, and with all that is going on, why she stays by his side. I think it's a true testament to her character. I really loved the insight you had when you spoke about how El Patron changed, and it made me imagine him as a really evil person. When you talk about having mixed feelings, I completely agree. Why would a person give you the lap of luxury only to rip it out underneath your feet? Only a truly evil person would do that. Great job on talking about character development, you talked about a lot of changes of the characters and that was really good because it shows how personalities change.
