Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jared's Blog Post 1

So, I think that having read the first 5 chapters, that we are already seeing a lot of development in Matt. We can see that Tom, is being a foil to Matt, and is helping him establish his character. Tam Lin seems to be a main character as well, he is helping Matt through his troubles, and is helping Matt understand what it means to be a clone, and how he can escape the stereotypes involved with that. Matt is learning about this world, and how eejit's work and why they have come to pass. We are also seeing that Rosa is kinda crazy and she sees Matt as a type of animal, she refers to him as a pig multiple times and sees him as a unclean beast. She has obviously made the decision to make Matt seem like an animal to others, because Maria and Rosa both refer to him as animals.

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